Friday, June 21, 2024

Four Tet's Everything Ecstatic Parts 1 & 2, & Ringer!

Hi everyone,

Four Tet's Everything Ecstatic came out in 2005, & its Part 2 EP also in 2005.  Ringer came out in 2008. I also included a nice Beth Orton remix by Four Tet. His music keeps evolving strangely & beautifully.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Four Tet's Pause & Rounds!

Hi everyone,

Four Tet's Pause came out in 2001 & Rounds in 2003. I included some live tracks too. We take good green walks in my mind, his music & me . . . 


Four Tet's Dialogue!

Hi everyone,

Dialogue is British electronic musician Four Tet's 1999 debut studio album. Like many beautiful things in this world, it is new to the ears & yet familiar to the heart. Love it! More coming!
