Saturday, July 29, 2023

Aphex Twin's Drukqs & Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments pt2!

Hi everyone,

2001 electronic classic, and its somewhat obscure 2015 EP sequel. This is two hours of strange and beautifully disturbing music. 


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Rival Consoles' Overflow & Now Is!

Hi everyone,

Ryan Lee West, known as Rival Consoles, is a wonderful electonic musician! Wikipedia insightfully calls his music a mix of "ambient, shoegaze, minimal techno and cinematic—often created with analogue synths, pedals and degraded processes."

What excites me most in music like his is that I feel the deep soul, the passionate craft, & I want to move in appreciation, in happiness!


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Fripp & Eno's Evening Star & The Equatorial Stars!

Hi everyone,

Robert Fripp & Brian Eno released their amazing second album in 1975, then waited until 2004 for another!

The good news is that their brilliant geniuses remain in tact, then & now! Frippertronics lives!



Saturday, July 8, 2023

Fripp & Eno's (No Pussyfooting)!

Hi everyone,

Robert Fripp & Brian Eno released this amazing first album of theirs in 1973. Here is a good Wikipedia description:

Brian Eno invited Robert Fripp to his London home studio in September 1972. Eno was then experimenting with a tape-delay feedback system that he first devised while studying at the Winchester School of Art and further described in a score called "Delay and Decay,” published in late 1966. The system had been used earlier by Terry Riley and an anonymous ORTF engineer in Paris in 1963 and named the "Time-Lag Accumulator": two reel-to-reel tape recorders are set up side by side and sounds recorded on the first deck would be played back by the second deck, and then routed back into the first deck to create a long looping tape delay. Fripp played guitar over Eno's loops, while Eno selectively looped or recorded Fripp's guitar without looping it. The result is a dense, multi-layered piece of early ambient music. This technique later came to be known as "Frippertronics."

