Saturday, February 22, 2020

Sound Tribe Sector 9 Live! - 31.March.2000 - Cambridge, Massachusetts

Hi everyone,

My DJ friend told me he went to see this Atlanta jam-electronica group 20 years ago, in a club called the Middle East Cafe, a dark underground place. Danced his elixir the whole show, said that the band that came later didn't hold a candle to STS9! Lotta crowd noise, but great show!


Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pulse Emitter's Swirlings!

Hi everyone,

Daryl Groetsch's project is dreamy weird for the dark among the blankets deep in the elixir you choose . . .


Saturday, February 8, 2020

Deadmau5's 4x4=12!

Hi everyone,

So I dug deeper into Mr. Mau5 & found another winner. He reminds me of Moby, in his range of moods, from pretty piano to hard crazy dance floor. Give this one a whirl with me!
