Saturday, December 9, 2017

‪Chandranada's Valley of the Moon‬ Mix!

Hi everyone,

So this weekend is the final new radio weekend of 2017 for SPRadio. My friend R asked me to make a show for this one with a seasonal feel. So I scrounged around and found on YouTube‪ Chandranada's "Valley of the Moon‬ Mix." Not sure if everyone will get the wintery feel to it, but it feels to me like deep-in-the-dark-smoking-some-nice-green-with-snowflakes-falling music. Enjoy. Season's greetings! :)


Friday, December 1, 2017

Shpongle's Codex VI!

Hi everyone,

I can't tell you Shpongle is. You need to listen and discover for yourself. Somewhere open where you may dance. Somewhere quiet in case you cry out. Somewhere the rest of leaves you to your own bone's zaniness for a little well. Then you listen, and you find out ;)
