Friday, October 13, 2017

William Basinski's 92982!

Hi everyone,

I like what says about William Basinski's 92982 from 2009: "One day in September of 1982 he was experimenting on the fly, collecting fragments, and maybe hours later the backbone of a piece was made. He called it 92982, a clinical name designating the date of the composition, as if it was just a file to be tucked away. He released the recordings for the first time in 2009, long after he garnered widespread acclaim for his monumental 9/11 elegy The Disintegration Loops."

Dreamy machine music, very emotional, very beautiful. A second week of Basinski for this show is a good thing :)


Friday, October 6, 2017

William Basinski's Shortwavemusic!

Hi everyone,

William Basinski is a NYC-based electronic artist who's been around a long time, but I just discovered. Deep, strange machine dream music. I plan to feature this artist again for sure! :)
