Friday, January 27, 2017

Brian Eno's Ambient Series 1 & 2!

Hi everyone,

After featuring Eno's recent week on my last show, I decided to dig back a little bit his work. So this time is featured Ambient 1: Music for Airports and Ambient 2: The Plateaux of Mirror (done with Harold Budd). 

Eno talked about his goal to make music "as ignorable as it is interesting. . . intended to induce calm and a space to think . . ." So it's a strange experience, but it's special, worth the time to turn on and listen deeply in. Try it!



Friday, January 20, 2017

Brian Eno's The Ship & Reflection!

Hi everyone,

Anyone who wants to really appreciate electronic music has to listen to Brian Eno. His music is great and it's so influential on others. His music recent albums are The Ship from 2016 and Reflection just released. The first was inspired by the Titantic sinking, and the second is Eno making music to look deeper inward. They are both wonderful to let go to. Turn on my show, turn off the lights, flow on . . .
