Friday, November 20, 2015

Happy 12th Anniversary, SpiritPlants Radio!!

Hi everyone,

This great radio station I get to play my music on is now 12 years on the Internets! Wow. Crazy. And I've been doing my show on it for 7 years! CRAZY!

So for this anniversary show of mine, I'm doing a variation on the first show I did back in 2008. I played Shpongle's Tales of the Inexpressible. This time, Are You Sphongled? from 1998. They are such a funky high band, it's a pleasure to share their music.

7 years of me in yer ears. CRAZY! :)


Friday, November 6, 2015

Sound Tribe Sector Nine!

Hi everyone,

It's been five years since my show has featured this great Georgia band, and I think it's high time they got their own full episode. So this time begin with a live tune from 2005, then the great When the Dust Settles EP from 2011, & finally a glorious 90 minutes from 2013. Two hours of jammy goodness to cure whateva' ails ya! :)
